Having two categories $C$ and $D$, can we take objects and morphisms from $C$ and map them to objects and morphisms in $D$? A functor is just that, a mapping between categories.
Functor laws
There are laws though, we can’t just map things at random.
Functors preserve composition
Let $f : a \to b$ and $g : b \to c$ two arrows in $C$.
$$F(g \circ f) = F(g) \circ F(f)$$
Functors preserve identity
$$F(id_a) = id_F$$
Functors in Haskell
When programming with Haskell, we’re working with only the category of all Haskell types, called Hask, so our functors look more like $F : Hask \to Hask$ – notice that the source and target categories are the same.
An object in Hask is just a type (e.g. Int
, Bool
, Char
, and so on). Our functor $F$, when mapping Hask objects, will be a mapping between two types – $Type \to Type$. These mappings are just type constructors with arguments.
e.g. Maybe a : Type -> Type
takes a type as an argument maps it to another type. Taking a concrete example, Maybe a
maps the type Int : Type
to Maybe Int : Type
So we can see that mapping of objects is handled by type constructors with parameters. Our next stop is mapping morphisms, which in Hask are just functions.
What does it mean to map a function? Having a -> b
, we want to map it to a function F a -> F b
. This is encoded by the Functor
type class:
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
Example of functors in Haskell
Let’s consider the object Int
, and the arrow Int -> Char
, both from Hask.
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Object Int
maps to Maybe Int
by the type constructor.
Arrow Int -> Char
maps to Maybe Int -> Maybe Char
by fmap
type Reader r a = r -> a
Notice how reader has two arguments. A functor always takes a single argument, so Reader
is a functor only in its last argument.
Also note that Reader r a
is the “same” as a function r -> a
Object Int
maps to Reader r Int
, a function r -> Int
Arrow Int -> Char
maps to Reader r Int -> Reader r Char
, a function (r -> Int) -> (r -> Char)
data Const c a = Const c
This type is the same as just having a value c
. Notice that a
appears only at the type level.
Object Int
maps to Const c Int
, always the value c
Arrow Int -> Char
maps to Const c Int -> Const c Char
, always a function c -> c
So Const
completely ignores a
at the value level and maps everything to c
Functor composition
Having two functors $F : B \to C$ and $G : A \to B$, we can compose them, gaining another functor $F \circ G : A \to C$.
In Haskell, this is defined by the Compose
data type and its Functor
Compose (f g : Type -> Type) (a : Type) = Compose (f (g a))
A function a -> b
maps to Compose f g a -> Compose f g b
, which is the same thing as f (g a) -> f (g b)
Functor composition is associative
Consider three functors $F : C \to D$, $G : B \to C$ and $H : A \to B$.
$$F \circ (G \circ H) = (F \circ G) \circ H$$
Functor composition preserves identity
$$F \circ Id = F$$